Law Software Developer Publishes Tips To Set Your Law Practice Apart From Competitors

The Atlanta-based CoCounselor, a legal practice management software provider, has published a new blog post, sharing tips on growing a law firm and handling clients in the best possible way. This is a competitive market, says CoCounselor, with an increasing number of lawyers. In this competitive space, several alternative sources of legal advice have surfaced. Additionally, people now have easy access to online legal counseling, making it effortless for them to compare one law firm against another based on expertise and affordability.

“If your law firm isn’t able to adapt and grow, you risk falling behind in a marketplace that will continue to get more competitive. If you’re a smaller firm, you have an even bigger task at hand. You also have to compete with larger firms with seemingly endless budgets,” says the cloud-based practice management software solutions provider.

The company adds that a practice management solution can make the task of a small law firm with limited resources easier, giving them the tools to successfully compete with larger firms.

Creating an online offer that is simply irresistible and incomparable can help a small law firm compete well with the larger ones on the Internet, suggests CoCounselor, adding, “You have to make sure to create an offer they can’t refuse, even if it means testing thousands of offers to find the best one. After painstakingly tracking your offers, even if it takes years, you will eventually have an offer that will generate not only high-quality leads but revenue.”

The blog post suggests that it is important to test offers that bring money, not leads.

When an offer page works, it can be duplicated for use over and over and packaged in different offers.

A cutting-edge legal practice management solution is designed to ensure proper documentation, which contributes to the smooth running of operations. Repeated tasks can be put on autopilot, so they continue unhindered.

Optimization of business procedures saves time on tedious tasks and frees up funds needed for growth. This ensures that the firm can focus on more lucrative tasks.

CoCounselor highlights the unique strengths of small firms as a startup that sets them apart from their bigger counterparts. Flexibility and the ability to personally connect with clients help give small law firms the advantage over large firms.

“You aren’t tied down by a corporate structure that can slow down your growth. There won’t be much red tape or a chain of command to get in your way. This agility will allow you to compete because you’re still in the phase where you can fail fast and bounce right back,” adds the blog post.

Customer service holds the key to blowing the big law firms out of the competition. Small firms have the advantage of connecting with clients on a personal level and wooing them with trust, empathy, and transparency.

That’s why it’s important to calculate how much each new employee will cost and then calculate how much additional work is needed to pay for them long-term.

The blog post highlights the importance of setting financial benchmarks before hiring a new employee. This is done to have concrete goals in advance. CoCounselor adds, “Seeing those numbers in black and white will give you concrete goals to work toward. If you run the numbers and aren’t comfortable with what you come up with, part-timers and even freelancers can help you until you are ready to move forward with a full-time employee. And, if you work with a part-timer or freelancer to begin with, they can easily be transitioned to a full-time role.”

There are other important benchmarks that a law firm should set in advance. This includes an average fee per client, average cost to acquire a new client, average engagement rate, and the number of meetings scheduled for upcoming months.

Unique quality content on a website can draw potential clients and set the law firm apart. A blog full of informative articles sets the law firm as an expert in the legal industry. When each piece of content ends with a prominent call to action, a website visitor knows what to do next, such as making a phone call or booking an online consultation.

This should be a hassle-free process, so a potential client can easily connect and make a call with the legal firm.

The need to outperform everyone online cannot be overlooked, states the blog post, adding, “Your law firm’s marketing needs to be a constant work in progress. You will never be ‘done’ with your online marketing.”

CoCounselor advises reinvesting some of the revenue generated from marketing into future marketing efforts. Having a strong social media presence holds the key to spreading the word about a law firm.

It is equally important to design, implement, and stick to a social media strategy that complements the business goals of the law firm.

A legal practice management solution can come in handy to manage all these tasks effortlessly. This includes gaining insight into the competition’s marketing strategy. The cloud-based tool has revolutionized the space and given 24/7 access to data. CoCounselor prides itself on its cloud-based practice management software, which adds convenience to managing various tasks of one's legal firm online.

Get more details about CoCounselor’s law practice management software at


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