Should A Law Firm Use Cloud-Based Software?

If you run a busy personal injury practice, you know the challenges.

You have to manage clients, cases, employees, documents, deadlines, stay up to date on the law, and that’s on top of managing your firm.

You also have to handle the business and administrative aspects of your personal injury practice.

It’s a lot to manage, especially in a bigger or growing practice.

Within that, technology and IT can be a competitive edge for lawyers. Or, if it’s not done correctly, it can be a liability.

You’ve likely heard a lot about cloud computing. Maybe you’re using some cloud-based services now.

Most people use many cloud applications daily in their personal lives, from Gmail to Dropbox to Netflix.

In large business enterprises, the average number of cloud applications used by each employee is 36.

In the legal profession, it’s still a much different story.

Read More: Should A Law Firm Use Cloud-Based Software?


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