Legal Software Developer CoCounselor Publishes Tips on Keeping Life-Work Balance While Working From Home

CoCounselor, a developer of legal case management software for lawyers, has published a blog offering more tips on how to maintain a work-life balance while working from home. The extraordinary disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way people work. About half of Americans have transitioned to full-time working from home compared to just 4% before the shutdown. These tips complementing its platform-based support provide much-needed guidance for those struggling to adjust to long hours of working at home or failing to stay motivated and maintain productivity.

According to Mark Lally, a member of CoCounselor’s team, "The failure to draw a clear line between personal and professional space contributes to life-work balance problems at home." Therefore, the first tip calls for a dedicated workspace at home away from the playing area and the drawing-room. It highlights how to create an office ambiance to work fully focused away from any disturbance.

A dedicated working area is meaningless unless people are able to avoid the “office stress.” The blog post recognizes that when at home, one tends to turn lax, playful, more social, and a foodie. If one tries to avoid these, it becomes more stressful. Sacrificing personal life won't make turn people into a happy worker. Skipping a morning walk to check emails is not a good idea at all. But by co-adopting these to the work ambiance, a person can work in a cheerful ambiance. Tips show the ways to turn this into a positive experience that is more rewarding and ensures higher productivity.

The blog post suggests creating a daily things-to-do list to ease the mental transition to the work. A planned schedule is very gratifying, motivating, and helpful to achieve the productivity target. As a person knows what to do, they can prepare themself in and out of work without stress or overlapping timeframe. It guides on how to set boundaries of professional as well as personal commitments.

A walk before beginning the “workday” and soon after “leaving the office” can help refresh and restart the brain. Mark explains, “Placing an activity like a walk between your work life and home life is a great way to relax your mind and ease into the next part of your day and any physical activity will not only add transitions to your workday, but it will also help you stay in shape as you’re stuck inside.” The blog explains what people should do to help achieve this mental transition.

CoCounselor highlights the need for breaks to avoid getting caught up in the work. A break is vital for the brain to function at its best. The blog post emphasizes planning both work and the time after work. This is to ensure a perfect demarcation between working hours and time for life with kids, spouse, or alone. Over two-thirds of those working from home complain about their altering social lives. The blog puts forth various options to avoid the pitfalls of staying physically away from colleagues and friends and keep the communication with them without disturbing working from home.

Apart from these tips on its blog, CoCounselor has added support for lawyers working from home in the form of automation features that come with its web platform. These features are programmed to manage and track referrals, emails, reports, task assignments, cases, and emails. It saves a lot of time that one can spend with family or use to interact with friends. This has made working from home less complicated than ever before.

About CoCounselor

Based in Atlanta, GA, CoCounselor is a provider of cloud-based legal practice management software. It has designed a web-based platform of the same name to help personal injury lawyers. Its high degree of automation and reliability make operational efficiencies a delightful experience while lawyers work from home. They can access and share their work data with colleagues, paralegals, and others anywhere on any device. With an easy-to-operate dashboard, they can generate quick reports, stay up-to-date, and monitor the overall process effectively. To learn more about CoCounselor, click here:


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